If it makes you nervous because it seems so big, that’s a sign. Follow the butterflies. They show you where you need to go to make your mark on the world!!
If you are overwhelmed make your goal smaller. Aim for a short time period of trying, or approach the first step as practice. Come on, you can do it!!
I’ve done this every day as I write a new Urban Fantasy novel, Dark Legacies, Book 1 of the Blood Witch Series. It’s nearing completion and now I have the big important scenes. There hasn’t been a day that I haven’t had butterflies writing this. But I know the principle of butterflies showing us our dreams!
Not to be confused with straight-up fear of danger. Sometimes our nerves are an alarm system, but when it comes to creating… Writing… Doing your purpose…I think the real danger is getting to the end of your life and having regrets about what you never tried to do.
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