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The Women of Substance Music Podcast features music by Female Indie Artists every Monday, Wednesday, Friday. We've been #1 in iTunes New & Noteworthy in multiple categories & received the Podcaster's Paradise Award for Most Creative Podcast and receive 10,000+ downloads per month from loyal listeners.
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"Thank you so much for including my song, ‘That Change’ in todays podcast #1474. I really appreciate it. I am really loving all the information, help and resources you have for artists, and look forward to putting all the information to good use."
— Caithrìona Madden
“This is great news! Thank you, very much. You are a wonderful resource for female singer/songwriters. A much-needed voice in the musical world for change.”
— Jan Shaw
“THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, for including my songs on your upcoming broadcasts! I am humbled, and inspired to keep on writing, and I will continue to do so…
I look forward to hearing from you at your convenience as this process unfolds!
Best to you and your team!”
— Julius “JUICE” Davis, JR., aka JuiceThaBlackBeethoven
“Dear Bree and Staff,
I just want to thank you for the energetic, practical, and rather magical work you're doing to support women in music! I enjoy and have been so inspired by the WOS podcast. And because of the podcast, total strangers have become wonderful contacts, collaborators, and friends.
I feel so honored to be among those musicians whose music you share!
Many thanks for all that you do!”
— Fiona Quinn
“Just a note to say hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day and THANK YOU for allowing me to be a part of your wonderful podcast for Mother’s Day.
My song, “Anna (To All our Mother’s)" was heard by many because you gave me the opportunity to share my love of composition with your audience.”
— Angela Falco
“Hi Bree, Thanks so much for including my song on your program! I just saw in my submission log that I first contacted you in 2009 - that's amazing that you've kept your podcast going and grown your business with everything else that you must have going on.
The resources you've given to indie musicians are so valuable - you're really living a life of contribution :)”
— Catherine Duc
“Hello Bree + Team, Thank you so much for sharing “Strange World” on your wonderful podcast! Working with you was such a professional, positive experience and I am grateful for what you do for artists. This was such a blessing for me. Beth Matthew was so enjoyable to listen to on the Women of Substance podcast. I love how she spoke and put together bits of information to introduce me before playing my song. The combination of her introductions with playing songs flowed so beautifully throughout the whole podcast. Sincerely, Marisa”
— Sugar Parks
“When we sent a song to WOS for the first time, we figured we had no chance. What a surprise blessing when it was immediately accepted and broadcast! We are so honored that WOS has shared our songs, our videos, and our story. Bree and her amazing staff are so supportive and encouraging! 2020 has been a magical year for us, and WOS has been a key part of our life-changing musical journey. We look forward to working with you into the future!”
— Mindi and Andy of Pivotal Awakening
“Wishing you and your team, all the best with all your amazing work.
I am very grateful for all the work you and your team do, and for the opportunities you have provided for myself and countless other artists. Keep up the Great Work, knowing you and your team are all doing great and are truly appreciated.”
— Dr. Nancy-Angel Doetzel
“Beth, we cannot thank you and WOS sufficiently! Your support for Adalyne was superior and the podcast itself originated almost 100% increase in website hits!
That pretty much says it all. We thank you! Women of Substance truly makes a difference in a very complicated and needy culture.”
— Adalyne 7
"In case you don't know, though I had been doing this for many years, I had a pause. It was "YOUR" acceptance of one of my songs after the storm I, thankfully made it through, that gave me the confidence to get up and try again! I'm leaving for Nashville tomorrow to record new music."
— Jackie Carlyle
"I just wanted to personally THANK YOU for giving me the opportunity to be on WOS and be the first song on the Podcast today! It’s surreal, and as I heard you introduce me and my music this morning, I couldn’t help but shed some tears of joy. The past year has been quite a journey for me, and you’ve really helped me kick off the next positive phase of my journey, as I’m sure you do for so many other women in music! You’re the best!"
— Belinda M
"Our song Smile was played on Women of Substance podcast episode 81. Since that podcast, and the subsequent promotion, we have gained some new fans ranging from the casual listener to fellow musicians. Thank you so much Bree for WOS!!."
— Jason & Tiffany from Over Alders