Democracy Dies in Darkness

Redskins’ Derrius Guice is healthy, tired of talking injuries and has something to prove

Derrius Guice knows time is running short for him to prove he can be relied on as a healthy, productive back. (John McDonnell/The Washington Post)

Derrius Guice is annoyed. There’s a harried tone in his voice, halted by languishing pauses as he sighs heavily. The Washington Redskins running back wants to talk about anything but his health, but that’s the first thing anyone ever mentions.

This is vacation time for the rest of the team, but Guice is still a regular at Redskins Park. He has a knee to get ready after an medial collateral ligament sprain cut his 2019 season short, and the clock inside his head is ticking. Guice was the 59th pick of the 2018 draft but has played just five games because of three knee injuries, including two surgery-requiring tears. He has scored as many touchdowns, three, as he has trips to injured reserve.