Chromebook Lesson Ideas
Create a Collaborative Study Guide
About the Project

The best way to learn something is to teach it to someone else.
For this activity, students who need to learn materials for an upcoming test will use the Ziteboard whiteboard extension to solve a math problem while recording their solution using the extension Screencastify. Students then post their recording into a collaborative Google Slides presentation to share with the class.
Lesson Overview
Give each student a different problem to solve and time, if needed, to explore Ziteboard and Screencastify.
Once students have finished, have them find the Screencastify folder in Google Drive and locate their recording. Students will need to change the share settings on the recording to “share with anyone with the link.”
The final step is to have students place their links into a collaborative class Google Slides presentation. This can also be done in Google Sheets or Docs; however, Google Slides will allow you to assign each student their own Slide page.
Each student now has access to a student-generated guide!
Lesson submitted by: Carrie Moeggenberg, Instructional Technology Coach, Ludington, Michigan.
can you recommend an affordable stylus for the touch screen chromebooks?
Great question!
I’m working on an answer!
Right now I am testing several different options. I haven’t found one that I can recommend…yet! If you have any suggestions please pass them along!