Free Your Voice

Freeing Your Voice is easier than you might think!

Do you want to sing better but don't know where to start?  

Do you have music in your head that just doesn't come out through your voice like you really want it to?  

Maybe you've dabbled with singing on and off but know, deep down, that you have more inside you.  

Well, you absolutely do have more music inside you!  But it is trapped!!  ...Trapped inside a body with a marvelous, yet unrealized instrument... Bound by misunderstanding and, in some cases, fear! 

Especially with us guitar players who primarily depend on our trusty axe for our musical expression, singing confidently and awesomely can be a special kind of challenge.  This is why Free Your Voice is here.  You already think like musician.  Let's start to unlock the music that's already inside you through YOUR voice!

Join in the fun and find freedom!

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